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Scientific Literature

Ethics and Policy



J. Anomaly. Creating Future People: The Ethics of Genetic Enhancement. (Second Edition) London, UK: Routledge Publishing (2024).

A. H. B. Chin, Q. Al-Balas, M. F. Ahmad, N. Alsomali, and M. Ghaly. Islamic Perspectives on Polygenic Testing and Selection of IVF Embryos (PGT-P) for Optimal Intelligence and Other Non–Disease-Related Socially Desirable Traits. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (2023).

J. Denbow and T.L. Spira. Shared Futures or Financialized Futures: Polygenic Screening, Reproductive Justice, and the Radical Charge of Collective Care. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (2023).

H.K. Marway. Procreative Justice and genetic selection for skin colour. Bioethics (2023).

M. C. de Hemptinne and D. Posthuma. Addressing the ethical and societal challenges posed by genome-wide association studies of behavioral and brain-related traits. Nature Neuroscience (2023).

J. Anomaly. What is Informed Choice? Polygenic Risk and Reproductive Autonomy. Fertility & Sterility Dialog (2023).

H.K. Marway Procreative Justice and genetic selection for skin colour. Bioethics (2023).

M. de Souza. Testing Embryos for IQ. Law, Technology and Humans (2022).

G. Lázaro-Muñoz, S. Pereira, S. Carmi, and T. Lencz. Screening embryos for polygenic conditions and traits: ethical considerations for an emerging technology. Genetics in Medicine (2021).

J. Anomaly. Creating Future People: The Ethics of Genetic Enhancement. London, UK: Routledge Publishing (2020).


AHB Chin, LW Lim, SM Muhsin.  Regulatory safeguards needed if preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic risk scores (PGT-P) is permitted in Singapore. J Med Ethics

M Siermann, V van der Schoot, E M Bunnik, P Borry. Ready for polygenic risk scores? An analysis of regulation of preimplantation genetic testing in European countries. Human Reproduction (2024).

T. A. Grebe, G. Khushf, J.M. Greally, P. Turley, N. Foyouzi, S. Rabin-Havt, B.E. Berkman, K. Pope, M. Vatta, S. Kaur; ACMG Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues Committee. Clinical utility of polygenic risk scores for embryo selection: A points to consider statement of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). Genetics in Medicine (2024).

A. Abu-El-Haija, …, and Michael F. Murray, on behalf of the ACMG Professional Practice and Guidelines Committee. The clinical application of polygenic risk scores: A points to consider statement of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). Genetics in Medicine (2023).

D. K. Griffin and A. T. Gordon. Preimplantation Testing for Polygenic Disease (PGT-P): Brave New World or Mad Pursuit? DNA (2023).

T. Lencz, M. Sabatello, A. Docherty, R. E. Peterson, T. Soda, …, C. Walss-Bass, and L. K. Davis. Concerns about the use of polygenic embryo screening for psychiatric and cognitive traits. The Lancet Psychiatry (2022).

NHS Genomics Education Programme. Polygenic scores and PGT: a problematic pairing. (2022).

A. Polyakov, D. J. Amor, …, Y. Mizrachi, and G. Rozen. Polygenic risk score for embryo selection—not ready for prime time. Human Reproduction (2022).

N. R. Treff, J. Savulescu, I. de Melo-Martin, L. P. Shulman, and E. C. Feinberg. Should preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disease be offered to all – or none? Fertility and Sterility (2022).

ISPG Ethics Committee. Advisory on the Use of Polygenic Risk Scores to Screen Embryos for Adult Mental Conditions. (2021).

Munday S, Savulescu J. Three models for the regulation of polygenic scores in reproduction. J Med Ethics. (2021)

F. Forzano, O. Antonova, …, C. van El, and M. Genuardi (on behalf of the Executive Committee of the European Society of Human Genetics and the Public and Professional Policy Committee of the European Society of Human Genetics). The use of polygenic risk scores in pre-implantation genetic testing: an unproven, unethical practice. European Journal of Human Genetics (2021).

Related: ESHRE supports the position of ESHG on embryo selection based on polygenic risk scores (ESHRE)

Related: L. C. A. M. Tellier, N. R. Treff, S. Hsu, L. Lello, and E. Widen  Scientific refutation of ESHG statement on embryo selection. European Journal of Human Genetics (2022).

Related: F. Forzano, O. Antonova, …, C. van El, and M. Genuardi. Reply to Letter by Tellier et al., ‘Scientific refutation of ESHG statement on embryo selection’. European Journal of Human Genetics (2022).



ELSIhub Collection: G. Lázaro-Muñoz and A. Merner (editors). Screening Embryos for Psychiatric Conditions: Public Perspectives, Ethical and Social Issues


J. Flanagan. Polygenic Risk Scores and In-Vitro Fertilization: What to Consider When Using Genetic Testing.

J. Austin. Using genetic testing to select embryos with lower risk for schizophrenia: What should I know?

Commentaries by LifeView and Others

Commentaries by LifeView

L. C. A. M. Tellier, J. Eccles, N. R. Treff, L. Lello, S. Fishel, and S. Hsu. Embryo Screening for Polygenic Disease Risk: Recent Advances and Ethical Considerations. Genes (2021).

N. R. Treff. Polygenic risk scoring in the human embryo: reproductive genetics, final frontier? F&S Science. (2020)


N. Treff, D. Marin, L. Lello, S. Hsu, and L. C. A. M. Tellier. Preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disease risk. Reproduction (2020).



Genetic justice: Polygenic scores and ethnic differences. Genetic Literacy Project. Jonathan Anomaly. February 21, 2024.

Genetic embryo screening for health issues and IQ inch closer to reality. Here’s a primer on what you can expect. Genetic Literacy Project. Barbara Pfeffer Billauer. March 7, 2024.

X. Wu, J. Pan, Y. Zhu, and H. Huang. Research progress and challenges of preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic diseases. Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. 2023 Nov 20:1-8. 

E. Y. Adashi. D. P. O’Mahony, and I. G. Cohen. Preimplantation Polygenic Risk Score Testing Is Unvalidated And Unregulated (2023)

C. B. Ogbunugafor and M. D. Edge. GATTACA as a lens of contemporary genetics: Marking 25 years into the film’s “not-too-distant” future. (2022)

B. Jordan. Polygenic scores: towards designer babies? Médecine/sciences (2020) (French)

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